Student Organizations

Delta State University has over 50 registered Student Organizations; there is something for everyone here at DSU! 学生组织涵盖了广泛的主题和兴趣领域, 包括但不限于:学术, political, racial/ethnic, religious, 社会兄弟会和姐妹会, sports and leisure, and honor societies.

The Office of Student Life recognizes these organizations with the University through an annual registration process, starting August 1st. Once registered, 组织可以策划和赞助校园活动, apply for funding, and participate in events. 通过点击下面的组织链接了解更多KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载这些组织的信息.

Review the 学生组织手册(003) 指导方针或开始自己的!
Download the 罗伯特的秩序规则-小抄 to help guide your meetings.
Complete the Campus Reservations form to host your event.
Contact the Office of Student Life 更新您的组织信息.

List of Student Organizations


Active Minds– Active Minds is established for the expressed purpose of increasing awareness of the students, faculty, and staff about the following:
KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载心理健康的问题. 与精神健康障碍有关的症状. 校园和周边社区都有心理健康资源. Reducing stigma surrounding mental health disorders so that students will feel more comfortable openly discussing mental health-related issues and seeking help when it is needed. Supporting peers to find the skills and resources they need to increase healthy coping techniques that promote personal wellness
Providing a forum and building an open environment for all students to speak up about mental health
*Active Minds不提供咨询或任何形式的临床心理健康护理, 而“活跃思维”一章则不是, nor will ever form, 同伴咨询或互助小组.

Instagram: @activemindsdsu  Advisor:

非裔美国学生会 – The purpose of this organization is to provide an atmosphere whereby students will be able to engage in social activities that are designed to increase their knowledge about the community & its culture. African-American Student Council of Delta State University’s mission is to offer minority students at DSU an organization whose impetus is to enhance Black cultural awareness and foster social cohesiveness.


Campus Activities Board -这个组织的目的是提供校园娱乐 & 为学生提供参与编程的机会.


Delta Diplomats – A select group of student recruiters who assist the university with the recruiting of prospective students and serve as leaders for the university’s new student orientation.

Instagram: @dsudiplomats Advisor:

Delta StatementThe Delta Statement 是一份由学生经营和编辑的德尔塔州立大学报纸. It serves the student readership by reporting on news involving the campus and surrounding community. Previously The Delta Statement was published every Thursday during the fall and spring semesters and distributed free of charge, campus wide. Now, you can access The Delta Statement 从你的智能手机-访问 to view it online!

Instagram: @thedeltastatement  Advisor:

Diamond Girls 钻石女孩是KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载棒球队不可分割的一部分. 这群年轻妇女协助处理闸门事务, retrieve foul balls, 为主队和客队打回球棒, supply umpires with baseballs, 并协助许多其他任务,帮助主场比赛顺利进行. Girls are also assigned a ‘bat buddy’ from the Baseball team and are to support their buddy throughout the season with gifts and encouragement.

Instagram: @dsudiamondgirls  Advisor: Scottie Batts

Delta State Gamers Club (DSGC) - DSGC是一个免费的,随你来的组织,接受所有的玩家. We accept Students, Faculty, Alumni, and Family into our group, 并自豪地代表所有形式的游戏, including video games, board and card games, and tabletop RPGs. We strive to create a welcoming space for anyone searching for a place of belonging and relaxation. Those who do not actively play games are also welcome to observe and relax while hanging out with friends.


Delta State Pride Alliance– The purpose of Delta State Pride Alliance is to promote a safe and accepting environment for all students who fall within the LGBTQ+ community and their allies. The focus of this endeavor is to break down social barriers to promote social progress as it relates to the LGBTQ+ community.


KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载精密飞行队 -本组织的宗旨是促进联谊 & KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载师生之间的友谊 & staff involved in Aviation & to provide fund raising & social events.


DSU Art Club- DSU艺术俱乐部将专注于动画创作, 以及创作的不同过程. We will be critiquing and viewing different types of Animation from both tv and feature(movie) from an artistic perspective, 主持/参与角色设计等艺术挑战, 主题动画挑战.  我们还在周五举办每周现场人物画会议, 还有电影之夜和动画之夜,我们会看动画节目, make fan art, and critique episodes.


DSU Tea Club – The Delta State University Tea Club is a social club that aims to provide members a safe and relaxing community to spend time with. 他们每周举行会议,为慈善机构筹集资金,并全年举办活动.


Fashion Board – The Delta State University Fashion Board was created to bring a sense of community for students who are fashion lovers and are interested in the fashion and entertainment industries. 我们提供建模的机会, hair and makeup, styling, graphic design, videography, and photography. DSU时装委员会对所有专业的学生开放,我们参加时装表演, special events, trips, and seminars. 新成员的选拔每年举行一次.

Instagram: @DSUFashionBoard  Advisor:

国际学生协会 -一个致力于通过文化加强国际关系的组织, social, educational & professional activities.

Instagram: @dsuinternationalassociation or @thefightingokragoesglobal Advisor:

全国有色人种协进会– The vision of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights and there is no racial hatred or racial discrimination.

Branch Director Symone Kimble-

National Society Of Leadership & Success– Our guiding question is: “Are we helping the greatest number of people in the greatest possible way?” For more than 20 years, we have built and developed a robust community of goal-oriented leaders making positive change across the country, 共同努力为所有人建设一个更美好的世界.


Pageant Board -这个组织的目的是计划 & 举办了KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载最美选美大赛 & KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载小姐大赛.

Instagram: @ deltastateuniversityms顾问

Student Alumni Association– The purpose of the Student Alumni Association is to educate current students on the Alumni Association by way of networking opportunities and educational experiences with the help of the Delta State University Alumni Association. 本组织的一切活动都必须以这一目的为导向.

Instagram: @dsu_saa Advisor:

Students for Life @ DSU– Our primary purpose at Students for Life@DSU is to advocate for human life-affirming initiatives. 这个组织致力于为那些生命受到威胁的人发声. Whether by induced abortion, euthanasia, 或者为了研究而破坏人类胚胎, 我们珍视从受孕到自然死亡的所有生命. In furtherance of these goals, 学生为Life@DSU旨在教育其成员, community, 和伴侣谈论生命的价值. We do this through event programming and promoting respect for human life at all stages on Delta State University’s campus and at a local, state, and national levels.


学生会协会-学生会协会, commonly referred to as “SGA,,以促进全体学生的团结和福利, 为学生生活的利益提供高标准的责任感, 并确保学生之间的善意, faculty, staff, and administration. All students enrolled at Delta State University automatically become members of the 学生会协会. 该协会通过三个部门运作:行政、司法和立法. 其目的是有效地处理学生事务的所有事项, to organize the student body in order that it may work collectively toward the betterment of the university, 并坚持三角洲州最好的传统.

Instagram @deltastatesga


Interfraternity Council (IFC) is the campus governing body for the DSU fraternities affiliated nationally with the National Interfraternity Council.

  • Kappa Alpha
  • Kappa Sigma
  • Pi Kappa Alpha
  • Sigma Alpha Epsilon

College Panhellenic Council (CPH)是由希腊妇女感兴趣的加强姐妹会之间的债券. Its purposes are to maintain a high standard of sorority life and interfraternity relationships within the university, 进一步的智力成就和健全的学术, and to cooperate with the college administration in the maintenance of high social standards.

  • Delta Delta Delta
  • Kappa Delta
  • Phi Mu

全国泛希腊理事会. (NPHC)是一个由七个历史上的黑人组成的伞形组织, 国际希腊字母兄弟会和姐妹会. 理事会通过论坛促进互动, meetings and other mediums for the exchange of information and engages in cooperative programming and initiatives through various activities and functions.

Fraternity Chapters

  • Alpha Phi Alpha博爱公司.
  • 卡帕·阿尔法·普赛兄弟会.
  • Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
  • Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

Sorority Chapters

  • Alpha Kappa Alpha姐妹会.
  • Delta Sigma Theta姐妹会.
  • Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
  • Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

Associated Greek Body – The AGB mission is to collaborate with all governing Greek Council and their membership to explore and engage is multicultural awareness and educational programming for all social Greek members.


  • Alpha Tau Omega (IFC)
  • Delta Sigma Lambda(全国无党派)
  • Phi Kappa Tau(全国无党派)
  • Zeta Tau Alpha (NPC)


Accounting Honor Society – The Delta State University Accounting Honor Society exists to honor the few Accountancy students each year who meet rigorous academic standards, 同时在其他四个领域表现出色. 它唯一的活动是每年春天的入会仪式, 入选者的名字会被公开宣布, 承诺维护会计行业的诚信, 获得会员证书和毕业典礼上佩戴的荣誉证书, 并在典礼后举行自助餐庆祝.

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